Infinity Delta, Infinity Gamma, Infinity Kappa, Infinity Vista
Rectangular Dual Pin connector:11-CA-407-04, 11-CA-407-12
This short sensor is for use with an extension cable, and is compatible for the following SpO2 monitors:MP1...
Compatible Datex-Ohmeda®TruSignal®SpO2 TS-N3 adapter cable.
CardietteAR1200 advEsaote50, Biosound MyLab 30 CD, Biosound MyLab 30 CV, MyLab 30 Vet, P80 Series 40893Schi...
PhilipsIntelliVue MMS X2, IntelliVue MP2, IntelliVue MX400, IntelliVue MX800, M1029A, M3001AWelch AllynProp...